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3 Ways to Prevent Tooth Enamel Loss

As the erosion of your tooth enamel occurs, it loses its ability to protect against tooth decay. Although fluoride can help rebuild enamel, it is better to keep it from eroding in the first place. Luckily, there are many ways to accomplish this goal and preserve your dental health. Check out these three methods to find your ideal way to prevent tooth enamel loss.

Avoid Acidic Foods and Beverages

Tooth enamel already withstands an onslaught of acids from the waste released by plaque bacteria. Adding more in the form of acidic food and beverages only serves to wear the enamel down even more. So, to avoid making this problem worse, avoid excessive consumption of:

  • Soda
  • Fruit juice
  • Citrus
  • Tomatoes
  • Sour candy

As you limit these substances, you give fluoride a chance to halt tooth enamel loss and start to rebuild the lost minerals.

woman smiling white teeth

Keep Gastric Acid Under Control

Like acidic food and beverages, gastric acid can wreak havoc on tooth enamel. As the acid comes up the esophagus, it often contacts the molars and backsides of the teeth, causing visible damage in those areas. You can keep this problem at bay by controlling your acid reflux symptoms with help from your doctor. They can prescribe medications and help you make lifestyle changes that make a big difference in your health.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum Everyday

By washing away bacteria and their acidic waste, saliva plays an important role in preventing enamel loss. Your salivary glands may not always produce the optimal amount of saliva on their own, but you can help them along by chewing sugar-free gum. As you chew the gum, your salivary glands amp up their production of saliva, washing the tooth enamel clean.

How Your Dentist Can Help Prevent Tooth Enamel Loss

If you would like to receive help preventing tooth enamel loss, your dentist at is always available to help you create an effective care plan. With their assistance, you can establish beneficial professional teeth cleaning schedule and perfect your at-home oral care routines. We welcome you to give us a call at 630-323-5333 to set up an appointment with your dentist to receive the support you need to prevent tooth enamel loss.